Announcing.... Memory Bears and Dogs are now available for custom order at Replay Quilts!

Are you a Sport Mom with a hidden box of clothing?

I am a sports mom. I raised several student-athletes. I have lived the crazy, hectic life that revolves around a sports schedule. I know what it’s like to stand in a bedroom that has been taken over by sports clothing. To clean my student athlete’s room and still have a garbage bag full of clothing that had too many memories to throw away.

A Young Sports Mom

You have a box of clothing from your child’s infant years. Infant clothing with logos of the university you and your husband attended.  Adorable clothing that reminds you of how small they once were. Baby and toddler clothing that reflects your hope for a future athlete.

You are the parents that coach your kid's youth sports teams. You have their first T-ball tee, first soccer jersey, and first camp t-shirts. You are having so much fun with your little athlete. Your box of keepsakes and memories continues to grow.

A Sports Mom to a High School and Club Sports Athlete

Time moves on.  What happened to those youth sports years? Now they are playing high school and club sports. You are living in your car, driving to multiple practices a week, attending high school games and traveling to out of state club tournaments. It’s fun to see your kids improve in their sport.  You love cheering for them. You have encouraged them through good sports years and bad, through tough coaches and selfish teammates. You are their #1 fan.

A Sports Mom to a High School Senior

Fast forward a few more years.  Your life revolves around a team, a sport, and your student-athlete. You are in the middle of cleaning through your almost adult son or daughter’s bedroom. They are getting ready to leave for college. You are once again making decisions on what clothing to keep. You look at each piece of clothing and remember the time, the place, and the score. So many memories of amazing comeback wins and high school state tournaments.

Proud to be a Sports Mom

The next chapter of your child’s life is about to begin. You are so proud of what they have become. What they have accomplished academically and athletically. You want to show your love.  You want to give them a little piece of “home” to take to college. You want to give them something that showcases all the years of hard work and commitment.

A Sports Mom with a box of clothing

You have a collection of sports tees. You have taken the time to save the clothing. You have good intentions. Surely it can’t be that hard to sew all these t-shirts together. But you are not sure how to tackle an important project like this. You are busy with your next student athlete's games. You don’t know how to sew.

A Sports Mom that creates Memory Quilts

I can take this important project off your “to do” list. Let me create for your student-athlete their own personal, one-of-a-kind t-shirt memory quilt. A modern quilt that is soft and cuddly like a favorite blanket. That uses the clothing you hand-picked and saved for years. A memory quilt that re-tells the stories of your student athlete’s pivotal moments. 

The perfect gift for your Student-Athlete

Now is the time to finally empty your keepsake clothing box. To have a sports memory quilt made from all the clothing you have saved for years!

Click on the link below to get started today!

Now it’s your turn.

Are you living a crazy sports mom's life? Do you have a hidden box of sports clothing saved in your closet? Did you see a memory quilt and knew you wanted one for your child?  Do you have a memory quilt of your own?  Where are you at in your sports mom life?  Are you going to have a college athlete?

I would love to hear your sports mom stories in the comments below. 

From one sports mom to another,


P.S.  Sign up for my newsletter and receive stories about a sports mom that loves to sew. Are you a sports fan beyond cheering for your student-athlete? Receive updates on my latest ready to buy sports and university pillows, scarves and sweatshirt bags.



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